Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cellular Automatons

I had a nice giggle at xkcd's bored guy stuck in an infinite desert, and remembered having read about Rule 110 and its universality. So during lunchtime I hacked up a universal universe simulator and scouted for pretty pictures.

Rule 30:


Rule 110, not calculating anything:


And I was most surprised to see a zoomed-in look at a Sierpinski triangle with Rule 18:


1 comment:

  1. I shouldn't be surprised, but always am, by how these things remind me of Conway's Game of Life. Each line represents a generation of little cellular automata, breeding away. The "picture" is really a history of the colony (for want of a better word) where the GoL's history would be a right square prism of infinite width, marching tirelessly into the heavens.

    Actually, you know, I think someone rendered just that in OpenCroquet...
